posted by Bill Coppedge
Real Gas Prices: We’ve Had It Good for a Long Time - Mark Perry - Carpe Diem
1. Hedge fund industry hit by worst crisis in a decade - LONDON: The hedge fund industry is reeling from its worst crisis in a decade as banks demand more money pledged to support outstanding loans even when the investment is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States . - Bloomberg IHT
2. Hedge Funds Reel From Margin Calls Even on Treasuries - Bloomberg
UBS: U.S. Bailout for Homeowners Will Arrive by October - … George Magnus, UBS senior economic advisor… also estimated that the total likely losses from the credit crisis could reach as high as a trillion dollars … Gary Smith - seeking alpha
Mortgage Delinquencies; The Best Indicators of a Future Foreclosure - Analytical Wealth
Can We Bury the Middle Class Income Myths? - addit