posted by Bill Coppedge
1. TSLF: TAF for Investment Banks - So you still want to know the difference between the TAF and the TSLF? - The new repo line you talk about is nothing more than the TAF for the brokers who don’t have access to the TAF. - Felix Salmon -
2. Fixing the Mortgage Mess: Operation Twist, Take II -
Gas Prices As Percent of Income Are Still Affordable - Mark Perry - Carpe Diem
About MBIA’s Request for Fitch to Yank Ratings - … When the world is clamoring that debt rating agencies, which you pay, aren’t independent enough, the last thing you do is fire the one that appeared the be the most independent. … Herb Greenberg - MarketWatch
What’s That Hissing Sound? - The official number for employment suggested a loss of 63,000 jobs. But could it have been more like 200,000? And I will make a case for 2,000,000 lost jobs last month. This week we will take a look at the confusing labor-market picture in the US. … - John Mauldin’s Weekly E-Letter
Home builders begin offering discounts - LA Times
Buyers in high-priced markets get a hand - Boston Globe
Meme of the Day: 50% Housing Equity - … The first question: why is everybody glomming on to this now? The number has now been below 50% for the past three quarters: it’s nothing new. … After all, there are actually very few people who have anywhere near 50% equity in their homes. Most homes are either paid off in full or else very highly mortgaged … - Felix Salmon -