Speed of price correction is ‘almost unprecedented’ - USC economists present some bad news, some better news - Glenn Roberts Jr. - Inman News
Martin T. Sosnoff - The credit and housing crises need to get worse before the economy can get better. - Forbes
Is Countrywide’s Angelo Mozilo Hall of Fame material? - Richard Bitner - I don’t know if Angelo Mozilo knows the difference between a curve ball and a split-finger, but given that his 40-year reign as the head of Countrywide Financial is coming to an end, it seems appropriate to reflect on his career as well as his legacy. - housingwire
Foreclosure fishing? Read this first - Make sure your eyes are wide open, be prepared to do plenty of legwork and realize that the hard work is still ahead- MARY ELLEN PODMOLIK - “Every call we get is for a 203k,” said Stephanie Sowell, a renovation specialist at Wells Fargo Bank in Chicago. “Since the depression in the real estate … - Chicago Tribune
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