MortgageNewsClips: 24% CA Drop?, Linkbait, Rely on FN/Fred, CW Worth Zero?, On The Hook, Downey, Reverse REMIC, Biofuel Backlash, Readers Comment, Diane Swonk, Protecting Reverses, Kotok Vote, Subprime in Sheep’s Clothing, Vernon Hill, State Street Boston, Fitch on Second Liens

May 9th, 2008 · No Comments


CAR Forecasts 24% Price Drop for California Houses - Jonathan Lansner  - seeking alpha

Why Inflation is Lower Than You Think - Felix Salmon - In one of the smartest pieces of linkbait I’ve seen in a very long time, David Leonhardt today not only defends the CPI, but even says it’s overstating inflation  … - 

Housing’s Reliance on Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Poses Risks - The New York Times examines the extent to which the US housing market is dependent on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and wonders whether a further decline in house prices could put the government-sponsored enterprises in deep trouble…. - Research Recap

What is Countrywide Worth? - …  My view then and now is that CFC is a zero barring a government intervention/giveaway like the Bear Stearns deal … - creditbubblestocks


Will taxpayers be on the hook for subprime crisis? -  Mark Trumbull - Federally linked entities like Fannie Mae now back 98 percent of home loans sold by banks. … Christian Science Monitor 

Downey Financial Reports Higher Incidence of Delinquency When Minimum Payments Reset - … our loans held for investment that have not been modified but had first time payment recasts since December 31, 2006, of which 36.1% were delinquent 30 or more days at March 31, 2008.” …  - <a href="