1. Reverse Mortgages: Top HECM Lenders in 2008 - has commentary and link to table - Reverse Mortgage Daily
2. Mortgage Technology Magazine Feature Article on Reverse Mortgages - has a list of players - Reverse Mortgage Daily
Government Interventions in Financial Markets: Economic and Historic Analysis of Subprime Mortgage Options - Congressional Research Service 16 pages
FHFB Authorizes Temporary Increase on Purchase of Mortgage Back Securities - FHFB.gov
SEC says did not foresee Bear cash crisis - Failed Wall Street giant Bear Stearns had enough capital reserves to meet a key international soundness test but the company’s liquidity crisis was not foreseen, the head of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission told lawmakers on Thursday. - Reuters
Senate Moves Forward on Controversial Housing Bill - The U.S. Senate announced it was moving forward on a controversial housing bill that industry groups believe would lead to stricter lending standards and higher interest rates. - Originator Times
Fremont General Corp: Welcome to the Subprime Dead Pool - The Institutional Risk Analyst
1. Table: Subprime Losses Reach $232 Billion With UBS, Deutsche: The following table shows the $232 billion in asset writedowns and credit losses since the beginning of 2007, including reserves set aside for bad loans, at more than 45 of the world’s biggest banks and securities firms. - Bloomberg
2. Thanks, Subprime! Banks Lost $9.97 Billion on Derivatives in Q4 - housingwire
Andrew Davidson Industry Insight - Six Myths of Credit Valuation - … While it is not always easy to explain the market’s rationale in times of panic or stagnation, we warn investors not to be misguided by some common myths that have surfaced. - riskcenter.com free reg.
Zillow Disrupts Lending Market With Mortgage Marketplace - … Zillow cites a Harris Interactive study showing that it’s more important for borrowers to keep their contact info private than to find the best rates. … - TechCrunch
Wachovia cools on ‘option ARM’ mortgages - A memo says it will stop offering the risky loans in many California counties, but the lender says that was premature. - Los Angeles Times
For Shareholders, It’s Subprime Time - Activists, sick and tired and determined not to take it anymore, aim a fusillade of demands at all parties involved in the mortgage meltdown. - CFO.com
How Do You Embed Risk Into an Organization’s Culture? - SunTrust Mortgage - Michael Haubenstock, SVP, Risk Management - Run time: 5:00 - Mash Risk Television
Brokers beware: Caveat Vendor - The mortgage meltdown comes home to financial advisors in the form of arbitration and litigation from CMO losses. - thanks Ira Artman - researchmag.com
2008 A Primer on Hedging, Futures, Derivatives and Swapping - Alex Carrick - thanks Ira Artman - Reed Construction Data
New York and the Subprime Mortgage Crisis - NY Times blogs
posted by Bill Coppedge
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